Sleep – a sensational state of mind in darkness

‘Sleep’ is the essential part of any living beings on this earth.  Everything sleeps at a particular time and or period and is inbuilt in biological programs of body in congruent with organic form of life.  Plants, trees, insects, worms, animals and mankind all are having this quality rather habit of ‘sleep’ and consumes almost one quarter of their life in ‘sleeping’ status.  Ironically, mankind does not give enough attention and care to the status of ‘sleeping’ in other word the ‘unconscious nature or state’ of life.   Instead we give as much as importance to ‘awaken or conscious nature or state’ of life.  Since it is a natural occurrence and effected due to the tiredness of nerves and muscles, we human beings leave this entire stage to the natural process and mystery

Heads Up! The Way You Are Sleeping May Be Killing You!

Every one of us has a mysterious double life. For about two thirds of the time we are conscious beings, thinking about the world within and without, and negotiating our ways through the obstacles of life. For the other one third of the time we are nearly lifeless lumps of flesh, unconscious to everything but our own fantasies, as we lie flat in bed asleep